So whats your thorn? Comon' spill it!
This is what good ole Paul said and of course Jesus' reply- I will paraphrase:
"So, in order to keep me from getting such a big head, God sent me a messenger of the flesh - an issue of Satan to remind me that I am human. I asked him like three times already to heal me of it but he said to me, "My grace is enough for you Paul, you know you are a sinner anyway, therefore my power is made perfect in weakness."
So we all have issues of the flesh to reminds us that we are not perfect. That stuttered speech, our bull headedness or maybe we were injured and every now and again that old injury starts to ache and we are reminded that we survived. Whatever our thorn is - we keep movin forward in our weakness and God provides the rest.
My thorn in my flesh is....................drum roll please: Control. I have to be in control of everything or I feel like Im not being productive. Which is why I have decided to walk away from pursuing my "degree" any further. My grandmother told me that school can become an addiction and ya know what she is right!
She made me realize that I have been going to school since 1996 - High school - graduated, junior college - graduated, 4 year university - graduated, 4 year university again - huh??
I keep feeling like I need to keep going to school because I dont know what I want to do yet. I want to be an actress, a marriage counselor, a girl scout leader, a camp counselor, a consultant - but no where in there can I learn about being a better Christian and my desires are all tied up in my distractions.
I keep tellin myself that I need to go to school and you know what I dont. I have a degree already........the only school I need to go to is ULIFE - U Live In Fullness Everyday.

Give me a thorn and I'll show you the Rose its clinging to ~ A NayLahism
MY thorn is control as well. I love the quote at the end. Definitely a different way to look at things.