I'm referring to Jen over at Prior Fat Girl. I was so happy with her Falling off the Wagon post. I really needed it & I was so down on myself because of yesterdays eating choices. But you know what - it is ALL good. I usually don't pay much attention to my binging habits because I am too busy eating*. But now that I think about it - I have been down because of my birthday. It was hard this year - I mean nothing to whine about but it was still hard for me - personally.
I decided to take this journey of purification because I wanted to be reborn. I also wanted to quit talking about it & BE about it like some of these other wonderful ladies. Like Syl at LIVE, SMILE, RUN or Missy at the Ups and Downs of Losing Weight....just two new blogs I am so proud to be subscribed to. I don't have a lot of money to buy little gifts for giveaways to get readers to read my blog. But what I do have is respect for these women and creativity to show them that respect......so this is for you Jen, Syl and Missy!
keep up the good work! Loosing weight is full of ups and downs ons and offs. Just keep moving!