Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nag Diary - Waaaah!

Sooo, This weekend was a weird one.  It started off on Friday - I got dizzy at work.  No worries, I was fasting and figured that was the reason.  The Saturday I filmed the movie - YAY!  We were out all night until like 4am - I got sick. Cough cough.  Then on 09-12-10  - I went ahead & rushed to CVS because I thought something was not quite right.  Two tests later, I'm PREGGO!!!! 

My husband didnt believe me.  It was very difficult and has been very difficult for him since I had my miscarriage Christmas day 2009.  We were both devastated.  So Monday - I went to the doctor - took another test - POSITVE.  Then I went to see my OB on Tuesday - POSITVE.

What's really weird about it is I am not late, no morning sickness no weirdness at all.  God is good.  No matter what happens with THIS pregnancy I will continue to serve Him.  Now - can anyone help me?  i would like to exercise still but I am high risk so I am afraid to really exercise - What are your suggestions??

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new pregnancy! I pray that God will be with you throughout this time.


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