So yesterday was not a good day but God is good and today is a NEW day. Being a wife is hard work. Do you ever feel like, as a mom, wife, homemaker, worker - that you have on too many clothes, hats, accessories? Do you know what I mean? Let me explain.......
I feel like I have on one bright red sexy pump, one sensible running shoe, my mommy hat, an apron around my waist with some sexy drawers on for the hub, a halo on top of my head, one broken angel wing - dont know where the other fell off at, a duster tucked in the band of my apron - for cleaning, my nerd glasses on, my daughters math & science books balanced precariously on my head, my customer service voice turned on to help those unemployed people (lord end this recession!), my acting mask on because really I'm an actress who hasn't made it at all, my fat/skinny jeans on (I keep losing and gaining the weight) and a Rose between my teeth to set this sucker off! *ding*
Wishful Thinking
Back to reality. I often look at my wedding day pics - people frozen in time, euphoria and expectation and I have to admit I wish I could frame up my life, hang it on the wall and let the picture live for me. Alas....... it cannot be done!!!! We have to live our lives with the good and the bad, take everything in with grace and let things go with that same grace. So yeah, my marriage is rough sometimes but I am spiritually sucking it up and asking God to carry those things that are too heavy for me. Thank you!
Future Happenings
I want my baby girl to come home right noooooowwwwww! I miss her and her grandmother sent me countless pics from her visit to Sacramento which only made things worse. She is supposed to come home on August 21 but forget that mess - my baby is comin home like this week. I will just pay for the ticket and keep it movin! She is my world and I miss her terribly!!
Until the next nag diary...Got purpose? No - then let's get it!
Hello, - I like your blog which has a very creative comic book feel to it.
ReplyDeleteAt times I also feel the same way,
I'm a wife,navy mother,and grandmother. But you know what,
all those hat's don't compare to the one gift from Jesus which is waking up everyday being able to experience our mistakes and correcting them with his help and guidance.
Yep. You hit the nail on the head girly. thank you so much for leaving a comment!