First, my Internet didn't work. At all. I told that know-it-all AT&T rep that it was not MY phone line but the modem but hey, she's the one getting paid by AT&T and insisted the tech was coming to look at the "phone line" to check it. Fine - we waited, in the four hour window for the tech.
Anyway, back to Weenie - her flight was scheduled to leave from Los Angeles at 9AM on 8-16-10. First thing in the morning (Texas time) I am on my P.O.Crap blackberry trying to "tether" it to use as a modem. I did everything - crackberry, BB forum, explored the disk that came w/it. Nothing worked. I thought for sure since I had the Everything Data Plan or whatever it is called I would be able to use my BB as a modem - NOPE. Not happening.
So I jump on said BB to phone me mom only to be greeted with 48 year old attitude because it's LAX & that airport is known for being crowded. Now LAX is a whole nother animal compared to Love field where you can leave less than an hour early from home and STILL make it to the gate with time to spare - NO ONE IS EVER THERE!!!
My mom had a big time 'tude. First I had to find my daughters scanned birth certificate on my PC, the scan as PDF function was NOT working so I had to scan it as a .jpg, copy it & paste it to a Word doc, enlarge it so it was legible, save said doc, connect the PC to the BB, transfer doc to BB, disconnect BB from PC, create an email from my BB to me mom, attach birth certificate - SEND - in lest than 30 mins cause mind you my mom is still at home in Los Angeles at 8am....plane leaves at 9am.....LAX advises all travelers to arrive at least 2 hours early - even earlier for unaccompanied minors.
I had to argue with my mom just to take her to the airport - she wouldn't leave! We hung up at least 3 times and called each other back. I was so frustrated I had to have the sudd-muffin talk to her - then she hung up on him. In the meantime the BB is.....still.....sending. So I think maybe it's the word doc, lemme send it again as a .jpg so off to the PC AGAIN, connect BB, transfer, repeat SEND. And the email just sits there.
Meanwhile the AT&T guy is there trying to "figure" out what's wrong with our phone line.....*smirk*
My mom is STILL debating on leaving to go to airport AFTER I call call Southwest airlines. They reassured me if my lil baby was there at least 2 hours within the flight leaving they will reschedule for free. YAY. Mom doesn't really care cause she doesn't want to sit all day at LAX in case weenie misses her flight & has to take another....
That is what I wanted to scream but I didn't. She did leave after much stomping and lip pouting on my part. Gets to LAX and there is about 100 peeps in the Southwest line *PANIC/frown*.
Mom calls me back:
Mom: NayLahknee, it's about 100 people in front of me & I'm gonna have to pay someone to move ahead in the line, she aint never gonna make it on the plane...blah blah...sigh, OMG....wah wah....
Me: *gritting teeth* (thinks to self: I don't care....pay someone as long as she gets on that plane........) but what I really said was, Mom you are at the airport, ask someone about unaccompanied minors....
Mom: Grrrrrrr....**hangs up phone**
Me: **pulls out another strand of hair from my already balding head.**
Meanwhile - both BB emails have went nowhere, AT&T guy fixes the modem and voila! Internet back - a lot of good it will do me now though....all I could think of was "CRAP!"
Me and hubby have little spat about going to daughters orientation at new Harmony Science Nature & Sports Center (we changed her schools)....went a lil' something like this:
He had forgot.
I didn't.
He didn't want to go.
I didn't care - he was going.
There was some blah blah blah, haven't even taken a shower yet...stuff that came from the sudd-muffin. Again, didn't care;
He wanted to drink his coffee.
I didn't care if he snorted it.
Butt better be in the car and rolling down the street with me.
Sudd-muffin disappears for like 5 mins, runs back down stairs and starts rushing me to go. Mind you, I have yet to lotion down my bodacious legs and look like I have been cleaning chalkboard erasers with my legs from the knee down....do ya think he wanted to wait for me to get some lotion??????? NO!
We get to the orientation and guess what? The school decides to tell everyone that they will NOT be starting classes on 8-23-10 like everyone else but 8-30-10 because the school is not finished yet and no one is allowed in the building.
Then I had to ask for forgiveness......Jesus take the wheel.
I jump quick like on the BB to call me mom and wouldn't you know it those stupid emails finally went through. Mom gets on the phone just quick enough to let me know wennie girl has just gotten on the plane and cant really talk right then.
The Kicker
Now this would not have upset me as much except that her original flight was supposed to leave on 8-21-10. Me and sudd-muffin missed her sooo much that we paid to have her flight changed to bring her back 6 days early so we could spend time with her before she went to school. The universe was not working with me. I try to tell me mom NOT to put her on the plane but.....it was too late.......
Yeah, see that Nag down below, with the arse looking you dead in the face?
Mmm hmm. Ain't gonna say nothing else.
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