My granny sent me some ankle socks in the mail from Cali....for those of you that don't know - I love goofy, out of the ordinary, patterned ankle socks.
I was sooooo bored today at work. *sigh* But God is good and allows me to keep coming to work. In the state of Texas we just extended our unemployment benefits (federally) so there are people who have been on unemployment for the last 2 years. This is bad....I mean the recession. I hope we come out of it soon. Texas is an employer driven state when it comes to unemployement and I really don't care for that face being someone that has been fired for no reason.......let me stop.
I have the car tonight so I have to pick up the sudd-muffin from work....pish posh as my friend Audrey says......I am trying to hurryupandfinishthisblogsoIcangetoutofhereontime so my words
I talked to my little Angel today and she is coming home AUGUST 16! Boo yow! She also informed me that she had a God encounter at church this past Sunday. And I wasnt there. It is so amazing. I thank the Lord everyday that at least if my daughter chooses to go another way, I am trying to do my best to let her know who God is and how awesome He is. She has been in church since before she was born because my granny wouldn't let me miss a day....except those times I was too fat to get up during those last few weeks I was preggo.......boy that was fun....I digress.
The sudd-muffin was in the car with me when I found out about our daughters God encounter and we both were in tears. It made me realize that if my daughter can be in church, listen to a song and realize how blessed her life is because of God - then what are we doing as adults ignoring it?
And a child shall lead them.....
We also finally started talking again - like for real. I am so insecure sometimes but on a side note - my sudd-muffin is back and ROARIN! Now where did those red high heeled pumps go........
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