Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Nag Diaries 1.8 - The Great Comprimise

So Tiffs done and over. We have decided to really just shut the heck up and talk. I know, doesnt make sense right? Well we both realized that we were flapping our gums and saying nothing but stuff that would hurt each other. My hub finally admitted that he was addicted to the videogame........in fact he says that he is suffering from Xbox withdrawal......I dunno.......what trips me out is that the Xbox is mine and I have never played it.....so I guess I wasnt THAT wrong for putting it up for sale. Anyway.....we have comprimised. I am going to be more patient and understanding. I got some great advice from my girls over at the Womens Hair Loss Project....smiling will be a tool that I pull out very often.

My hubby has also agreed to blog with me. That should be very interesting. I hope so. Until then........toodles!

1 comment:

  1. Hello you. I am sorry to have read back over your last few posts and seen the heartbreak you have gone through. I haven't got any wise words or answers or advice. You clearly love each other but living with somebody can always be difficult sometimes.

    I wish you lots of positive thoughts from France



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