Last Name Giver: How u feelin?
Me: Good, u
Last Name Giver: Im coo. How's Rina?
Me: U could call and speak to her. She is about to go to
Arkansas with my mom in about 30 minutes.
LNG: 4 how long?
Me: Until Wednesday
LNG: I'll talk 2 her when she gets back. I'm about 2 put some money in ur account. (side-note: he hasnt talked to her in about THREE MONTHS and he didnt call on Christmas)
LNG: You still with Bank of America?
Me: I dont have that account anymore, let me give you my other account number.....blah blah blah
LNG: That number is too long
Me: It is a TEXAS account
LNG: Yeah but the numbers dont fit on my deposit slip.
Me: It doesnt have to, just go up to the teller window and deposit the money
LNG: I have already been to the bank twice - the number is too long
Me: Did you speak to a teller?
LNG: No, I figured it out myself
Me: It is a TEXAS ACCOUNT. The account numbers are different!
LNG: Well, I already left the bank and I will do it when I feel like it another day.
Me: WTFreak (sorry I dont curse)?
LNG: I will do it when I have time - Im busy anyway.
Me: Why do you have to be so complicated, just go into the bank and speak to a teller..........(no response)Dont waste your time. If I need anything from u then the judge can determine that. I am so tired of your crap. If you dont want to be a father 2 Rina then sign away ur rights and leave me alone.
LNG: F*%! you B*%!#
Hubby - via phone: Look bro, dont call my wife, dont text her, dont call this house unless you want to speak to Rina. Until then - step off.
LNG - the coward: via text: F&$! both yall B*^$!@#
apparently I dont know my own checking account number and I am the dummy. I have never filed child support on this guy because hey, people have issues and he is one of them, I have never asked him for anything. I am not a "baby mama drama" queen. I dont have time for that nor am I the type. But right about now - I am so done - someone needs to fork me. Yeah I said stick a fork in me - DONE. So I promptly went to old Gov. Swartzen-terminators site and filed a child support case. Enough is enough. It would be so easy to have him sign over his rights but I know he wont just to spite my husband because he wants to adopt her......but he has never given me anything for her in her entire life and I admit I have let him get off easy but enough is enough!
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