Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nag Diaries - PMS Day 2

The dishes were still there.  Uggggggghhhhhhh!!  Not only were they still there - they were piled up in the sink.  Que-eva.  Now on to the rest of my day and the food portion of my powdered mustard seed plan (I said I would cook more).

I made breakfast for everyone - including the sudd-muffin.  Didnt say nothing about the dishes and just did them myself.  So much easier.  I even made the sudd-muffins lunch and I was actually happy about it.  Maybe we have been having so many issues being married because I wasnt participating in the marriage.  Doing these things actually made me feel good about being "wifely"  - go figure. 

I made lunch for the baby girl. I had a couple of scientists really interested in the contents of my refrigerator - particularly interested in some cherry tomatoes, cucumber and a mango.  I had to get rid of them so, SALAD it was along with breaded chicken patty sandwiches and orange slices.

1 old cucumber
Some old cherry tomatoes (pick out the bad ones)
1 mango (or any fruit you have on hand, preferably something like pineapple)
Cut up the veggies in small pieces and toss them in a bowl.
Eyeball the following ingredients
lemon juice
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
Whisk together all the ingredients, taste, add more sugar and pour over veggies/mango and toss.  Voila!  I had a pretty picture of the actual food that was plated I went to put some ketchup on my sandwich, it squirted out all over my sandwich, salad and orange  Yeah. That's all I got there.
Moving on to my health portion - I was tired.  Really tired but I made myself get up and take my daughter for a walk down our little neighborhood path to the man-made lake.  We brought old sourdough bread for the duckies (I really must clean out my fridge and pantry more often).  It was a gorgeous day today and there were a lot of kids out.  It's funny how a little old bread can bring both kid and ducks flocking.

For dinner I cooked baked tilapia with garlic butter sauce, rice pilaf and broccoli. 

 Annnnnddddd - CAKE!!!

Me and the sudd-muffin spoke.  He grabbed me real quick for a kiss and a hug.....didn't know what to think of that so I just went with it.  I think my plan may be thank you lord for Day 2 of the rest of my life. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nag Diary 11.0 - Powdered Mustard Seed

I got this inkling or ephipany in regards to powdered mustard seed after reading a good mommas Secret Mommy-hood Saturday Confession entry about her struggle with God and being angry at him. I understood all too well the confusion and anger. I don’t want to be confused and angry anymore. Having faith of a mustard seed is hard work. Even for such a tiny amount as a mustard seed.

Lately I have felt like all I have is mustard seed powder that has been slowly blowing away in the wind with every trial and tribulation I have had these last 2 years. But thank God for Kim. I am gathering up my mustard seed powder and trying to season up my faith, life, marriage, mommyhood, outlook and spirit with it.

So this is how my PMS plan (wait, PMS? that's just great - not intentional at all) for day one panned out....

Wee hours of 02-26-11
Driving home from the hospital, I get to house, sudd-muffin leaves me sitting in the car. mind you - its 1230am and DUH - I just got out of the hospital and feel like stir-fried crap. I went straight to the shower and fought hard not to cry.

I'm not gonna cry. It hurts. You might have to just walk away from this NayLahKnee. You and babygirl will be fine. What reason do I have to stay anyway???? Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Darn it - *sticks face under shower spray*

We argued when I got out of the shower. Same nag diary, different day. I told him I wasn't sure if I still wanted to be married to him. He left to sleep downstairs on the couch. Felt like an ass afterwards. He got up in the morning. Got ready for work. Told me in so many words he was leaving and left.

I prayed real hard that morning. I didn’t know what else to do. Lord, if this marriage is to be then, show me what to do. Matter fact, I'm not going to do anything unless it comes from you. NO bickering, no nagging, no anger - nothing. So I got up. Cleaned up cause the house was a mess. I'm not nagging. It just was. Made my babygirl and I breakfast. Washed the dishes and almost fell out from exertion.

3 hrs later:
Txt from Sudd-Muffin: how are u?
Me: I’m good. I didn’t get to say goodbye to you this morning so I hope you are having a good day. (that’s right, kill'em with kindness *smirk*)
Sudd-Muffin: You too
Me: I am making Tilapia for dinner. Would you like yours fried or Cajun style?
Sudd-muffin: I’m havin chili dogs
Sudd-muffin: I never got my chili dogs
Me: ok. we can have chili dogs then and I will cook tilapia tomorrow.
Sudd-muffin: There is a box of rice pilaf in the very back of the cabinet behind some stuff if you want
Sudd-Muffin: We got potatoes?
Me: I dunno. I have to look
{one hour later}
Sudd-Muffin: Potato?
Sudd-Muffin: Do I need to go to the store after work? for chips or fries or something..
Sudd-Muffin: Oh yeah, DONT TOUCH my cookies
Me: You can get chips or fries. Whatever u want
Sudd-Muffin: Don’t worry about MY cookies {so random}Sudd-Muffin: Do we have potatoes?
Me: Yes. For what? {I never looked}
Sudd-Muffin: Fries

That was it. No sorry for last night or I love you or take it easy I will cook when I get home - nothing. I'm not nagging.

Sudd-muffin arrives at 530pm and crashes on the couch. Dead sleep. I start taking out dinner fixins quietly. I make everyone’s plate. We all trudge upstairs and eat dinner in front of the TV watching DVR'd Nikita and Vampire diaries. Sudd-muffin says thanks and leaves the room. I gather up plates and go downstairs. Sudd-muffin is on the PC playing MMA Wars on facebook. I see Red. Red sees me and sticks his tongue out - there goes some more powdered mustard seed in the wind.

Tears well up in my chest. I plug them up with a dirty old snotty tissue and put all the dishes in the sink and quietly go back upstairs to bed. He'll wash the dishes.....

Day 1 down - the rest of my life to go.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nag Diaries 10.3 - Nags from the ER/Hospital Visit.

Being in the hospital is not a pretty sight. I don't wear a lot of makeup so the only thing in my purse was some cherry chapstick - yikes! Work with ya got. Cherry chapstick does provide SOME color.

Although one of my 5 things to do before you go to the ER was to bring a hat or a wig, I brought a sleek wig with me (which works for me because I'm going bald). It was the only one I had that didn't look like the bushes in my front yard.

Unfortunately, wigs if I wear them too long give me a headache and with the many visitors & voyeurs alike, the buckwheat look wasn't my first choice -even if he is a distant cousin.

So I sent the sudd-muffin to buy me a scarf from the gift shop. He brought back a beautiful purple and black rectangle scarf. I tied that baby around my head so quick and VoilĂ , instant headdress.

Now for my clothing. Can't really do much with my hospital gown but they have one thing going for them: snap buttons down each sleeve. I unsnapped the button closest to my neck and bingo bango - an off the shoulder look!

I'm working it right?  Well that's all I could do with what I had - tell me what ya think!  Is this utterly PA-THE-TIC????  SMH...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nag Diary 10.1 - Nags from the ER/Hospital Visit

Courtesy of: Transfigure
So, I had to come back to the ER on 2/22 because I started having breathing problems. Doctor thought it would be best since I just had a Myomectomy (fibroid removal) on 2/17.

Here is the Run down Nag Diary style:

They sent me right back to an ER holding room where THREE, count em THREE male techs/nurses came to assist me.

They were good looking.

I had to take my shirt and bra off IN FRONT of said good looking men with my cute hubby helping me behind a hospital "t-shirt".

So the girls came happily bounding out with an unfolding flop - ahhh they're free - to my chagrin. The ekg tech commences to fit me with sensors all over the arms and Mona & Lisa. He has to actually lift and move.

I can just hear it if this was like that Movie The Invention of Lying.....

Tech: man this ladies boobs are HUGE!! Whoa! I hope your husband isn't mad (he was)
Nurse: I know & all I get to do is put on her wrist bracelet and hold the hospital gown up...damn!
Me: if I lift Mona & Lisa up for you, there will be a full on view of my eh-neh - ain't gonna happen. {Groans inwardly and suffers in silence}
Sudd-muffin: That mutha@!#/! Man what the heck are you doing? Really??? Really NayLahKnee??

I couldn't look. The sudd-muffin was beet red from embarrassment and envy cause we are on married couples tango hiatus due to the surgery and the beef armed tech managed to keep a straight face whilst visiting MCA ER room 18s' booby bar where "fondling is for the free".

It was all really funny in hindsight and that was just the first hour and a half.

Nag Diary 10.2 - Nags from the ER/Hospital Visit.

For those of you that don't know, I LOVE HOSPITAL FOOD!
Seriously. Don't roll your eyes or twist your mouth up in a mock "ewwwww". I have my reasons.
Here are they are:

  1. They feed you three times a day

  2. The meals are dietarily correct meaning the meals are square!

  3. YOU don't have to cook it.

  4. If you pay attention, you get FREE lessons on portion control, what it "looks" like AND food pairings.

  5. If you eat hospital food day after day (depending on time spent in hospital) you start to notice you actually are FULL and have no cravings.

Unless of course they have you on steroids. For asthma. Like me.

I'm a comment junkie and I WAS in the hospital. I'm playing on your sympathies, so leave a comment.

Nag Diary 10.0 - Nags from the ER/Hospital Visit. Pre-Visit

5 things to do before/during your ER visit:

  1. If you don't have time to shower change your drawers!
  2. Wear a clean bra. More thank likely you'll be takin it off but if you can't go braless like me, bundle Mona  & Lisa up! (Yes mine have names...)
  3. Fix your hair or throw on a wig or a hat.
  4. Ask for FEMALE nurses - they understand. Don't ask.
  5. When the cute tech comes to stick the EKG sensors on you, lift up your own boobs.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nag Diaries 15.3 - Click, Click….

Picture This
Give it a guess – I dare ya!
I dunno
Animal Farm
7 Pieces of Joy
Throw Back Toys (saw this at Target this past Christmas)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nag Diary Hiatus

I need time to think about my life, my health, my heart, my marriage and how they all tie into my blog.....if anyone has any recommendations for folks who can revamp my blog let me know.  I dont have a lot of money but this is pseudo important to me.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nag Diary 11.2

Nothing really special to blog about today.  Still in recovery.  Still sore.  Still semi-lost with what I want to do with the rest of my life.  Sometimes I feel like I'm going in circles. 

Time Warner Cable showed up at my house, unannounced - courtesy of my job.  Moving one step closer to working at home.  I have a desk in my office but I want a bigger desk so I have been perusing for desk.  I think I found one but this person keeps giving me the runaround so may have to start looking again.

 My baby girl is growing so fast! We need more time in the day.  I really wish they had a kids kickball league in this area.  I would love to get her involved in kickball.  I loved kickball growing up and it seems these days, kids cant do anything at school anymore or it gets hocked up to bullying, meanness or reducing kids down to mediocrity.  That's evident in school field day events where EVERYONE gets a ribbon. 

What a crock of hooey! 

Where is the competitive edge?  Everything has gone down the drain because the kids that were picked last in elementary school have grown up to become psychologists and relate to everyone that these games/events are no good for our children.  So now we have a generation of whining, mediocre, underachievers who always win something.  Maybe I'm being too harsh but I always believed if you have a Gym Teacher who doesn't allow these things to happen in class, it eliminates the problems. 

I remember going to school with a boy named Peter who was the best football athlete in 5 grade.  He was cool.  He always picked the people who sucked because he actually cared about folks being picked last.  At least that is what I decided what the reason was.  Where do you think he learned this from?  His gym teacher? NO.  His parents? Just maybe. 

If we want our kids to grow then we have to show them HOW to show compassion and how to root for the underdog so to speak; then being picked last will have no power.  I have always cheered for the underdog.  I have always smiled at the new kid, sat by them, invited them to sit with me because I was the underdog.  I was the new kid.  I was picked on for being black, for being smart, for having a big nose and lips.  It never ended.  But what I am thankful for is a grandmother who didn't allow those things to affect my outlook on people.  So I tell my daughter all the time, don't let your classmates pick on you or anyone else, YOU be the catalyst for change if that is happening, YOU be the one that makes someone feel better about themselves and don't worry if you are not rewarded for it. 

As for the folks that pick on her, that is another story for another day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nag Diaries - The Sudd Muffin

I did say on yesterday that I would post why I call the hubby my Sudd-Muffin - well here is why....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nag Diary - 7.3 - Now where was that Post when I needed it?

I'm referring to Jen over at Prior Fat Girl. I was so happy with her Falling off the Wagon post.  I really needed it & I was so down on myself because of yesterdays eating choices.  But you know what - it is ALL good.  I usually don't pay much attention to my binging habits because I am too busy eating*.  But now that I think about it - I have been down because of my birthday.  It was hard this year - I mean nothing to whine about but it was still hard for me - personally. 

I decided to take this journey of purification because I wanted to be reborn.  I also wanted to quit talking about it & BE about it like some of these other wonderful ladies.  Like Syl at LIVE, SMILE, RUN or Missy at the Ups and Downs of Losing Weight....just two new blogs I am so proud to be subscribed to.  I don't have a lot of money to buy little gifts for giveaways to get readers to read my blog.  But what I do have is respect for these women and creativity to show them that this is for you Jen, Syl and Missy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nag Diaries 9.5 - Dedicated to the One that Loves Me

I never stop to think that maybe my hubby really does "think" about the stuff he does to me or says to me and how I may feel but I guess yesterday he was really thinking hard cause he sent me this song - edited of course to fit me from my perspective.  I was at work when he sent this to me and almost started bawling.....this is how I feel sometimes because we are still learning about each other and learning how to be husband and wife.  It is not easy.

I LOVE YOU SUDD-MUFFIN!  Stay tuned and I will reveal WHY my hubby is my sudd-muffin....coming manana!

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:24:39 -0800
Subject: Make ya feel like this sometimes...I'm sorry:(
To: ME!!
Loving you, is killing me
When you know it should be thrilling me
Loving you, is choking me slowly
When I'm with you I still feel real lowly
Loving you, is busting me
You don't ever put your trust in me
Loving you, should mean that I'm your queen
You don't make me feel like anything


Now I never knew you'd be so evil
How did you get to be so evil boy

Now you telling me, that I'm bad to you
You don't know what you’re talking 'bout boy

Hear me when I say
You can't just do whatever you want, boy

Loving you, is killing me
When you know it should fulfill me
Loving you, is aching me sadly
You know that it should make me happy
Loving you, isn’t worth all the suffering
In return you never give me nothing
Here's the news about loving you
Well it's something that I used to do
Loving you, is killing me
When you know it should be building me
Loving you, is holding me back
Why the hell you make me feel like that


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nag Diaries - 5.3 - Conquering the Monkey Bars

Yesterday, I took my daughter on a walk in our neighborhood.  We actually have a nice neighborhood with a walking path & man-made lake and stream.  There were ducks everywhere.  IMG00115IMG00111
We walked until the path ended at the neighborhood playground.  Nothing spectacular about this playground.
 Just 4 swings two climbing areas with slides and – a set of monkey bars.  The big shadow is me – ha!
I loved monkey bars when I was a kid.  I even loved that little round metal bar shaped like a rectangle and drilled directly into the ground.  I would balance on that thing on my butt and then swing backwards with the back of my knees hugging the bar – around and around.  Some kids would even tie their sweaters around their waste and to the bar to swing around without the aid of your knees. 
Back to the monkey bars. 
At my school in Scottsdale, AZ, we had a nice jungle gym, swing monkey bar play area.  We had a set of monkey bars connected to the slide as well as metal rings that faced the monkey bars.  I would swing on the rings, just until I got the right height and momentum and let go to fly over to the monkey bars, catch it and monkey my way to the end and repeat.  I was fearless and not afraid to try anything.
Yesterday at the park, my daughter wanted to try the monkey bars.  Now she’s nine so, I thought monkey bars would be easy.  She couldn’t even swing.  She tried twice more than gave up – all the while complaining and whining about it. 
I was dumbfounded.  She’s nine and was afraid to try the monkey bars.  She was scared.  It made me realize how sheltered and out of shape she is.  For 6 years of her life we lived in a one bedroom duplex.  This place was smaller than my current master bedroom/bath and closet put together.  We slept on a sofa bed for 6 years.  I rarely let her go outside because of the neighborhood we lived in.  I mean, our neighbors were gangbangers and THEY watched out for us.  I was always too tired to take her to the park because I worked full time and went to school full time – trying to make a life for her.
This is the result.  She is afraid to try and quick to give up.  I don’t understand.  I am not that way.  I pushed and pushed while I was pregnant with her and after to..……or maybe I really “didn't”.  I just never realized it and it has rubbed off on her.  That makes me sick to my stomach.  It also makes me want to get rid of a lot of stuff in our lives that are not enriching it.  That’s hard to do when you’re married to “The Resistance”. 
Garrett being a kid
I got up to exercise today after sitting on my bed for 45 minutes crying about Aiden and feeling just blah.  I finally got up and decided to exercise.  I invited my daughter to join me.  It was a mess.  I couldn’t even exercise for her whining and complaining.  What they heck is going on???  Did I raise my daughter up to this point to whine and complain.  NO SIR I DIDN’T.  So now I am perplexed on how to get her out of this….funk.  Any ideas???  Anyone?
NDiaries small

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nag Diaries 8.10 - Sexcapades

This is actually one of my favorite posts and I am reposting it just for fun! 

I have not blogged all week!! I have been working....and an update is soon to come for what has happened this week.  But I must tell yall about my event full morning this 14th day of our Lord, 2010.

Friday my sudd-muffin was being a jerk.  Every time I turned around he was texting me about putting oil in the car and NAGGING me about how much money we have in the bank.  Really?  I'm at work.  Listening to other people nag about unemployment or lack thereof and he keeps texting me about OIL for the car and MONEY.  **exasperated string of curse words go here**  Then he gives me a "directive" via text:  "Remember: before you take Rasheeda home, get some oil."

I almost threw my Blackberry.  I mean why didn't he get the oil for the car after he dropped me off at work at 7am???  Answer: because he went back home and went to sleep!

Moving on - I was not happy with the sudd-muffin.  He was on the Hit List - I was gonna hit him when I saw him.  Just smack em.  Things just got worse.  I think he had Male PMS yesterday.  He whined about everything and was just in a oh so foul I'm a man mood instead of the Old Spice mood.

Que-so, this morning when I wake up - Garrett is in "I'm sorry mode".   Which I appreciate.  He apologized profusely.  Mind you this is all happening in front of my computer desk and chair - with him in it.  I decide to forgive him because really - I have the kind of day he had at least 3 times a week!

 *Fade to black goes here and role credits..*

Sexcapade Credits
Sincere yet hopeful husband featuring the Ambitious but clumsy wife

The Keyboard tray - Taking sexy back one kick at a time....
I am still in my pajamas - which is an old blue nightshirt with stars and moons on it from when I was pregnant 9 years ago - Not sexy but tryin. I looked down at my hubby sitting in that chair smirking and smiling, lay my hand on one of his shoulders, the other on the side of his face in a soft caress, flip that left eyebrow up in my sexy "come here" way and attempt to throw/kick my leg over his shoulder all sexy like while he is sitting in the chair. You know the way ladies with sexy fishnet stockings do so the guy can run his hand up the calf and thigh.......

*disaster goes here*

So I didn't really judge how far away I was from the keyboard tray on the computer desk.  My leg (mind you the one with the metal plate and screws in it) collides with/underneath the keyboard tray at my ankle, lifts the keyboard tray up into up in the air about 5 inches only to slam back down.  Loudly*. 

The sudd-muffin commences to roll off the chair straight onto the floor to do what he does best - laughs at me
I was mortified.  All I could do was limp over to the couch and cover my face while he is TRULY ROFL at me! 

Now I sit here with a lump on my ankle typing did I get here.  *smirk*  I can always try that again another day....

Anyone else have a sexcapade disaster?  Go ahead and tell it - I won't laugh.
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