I made breakfast for everyone - including the sudd-muffin. Didnt say nothing about the dishes and just did them myself. So much easier. I even made the sudd-muffins lunch and I was actually happy about it. Maybe we have been having so many issues being married because I wasnt participating in the marriage. Doing these things actually made me feel good about being "wifely" - go figure.
I made lunch for the baby girl. I had a couple of scientists really interested in the contents of my refrigerator - particularly interested in some cherry tomatoes, cucumber and a mango. I had to get rid of them so, SALAD it was along with breaded chicken patty sandwiches and orange slices.
1 old cucumber
Some old cherry tomatoes (pick out the bad ones)
1 mango (or any fruit you have on hand, preferably something like pineapple)
Cut up the veggies in small pieces and toss them in a bowl.
Eyeball the following ingredients
lemon juice
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
Whisk together all the ingredients, taste, add more sugar and pour over veggies/mango and toss. Voila! I had a pretty picture of the actual food that was plated but........as I went to put some ketchup on my sandwich, it squirted out all over my sandwich, salad and orange slices......so. Yeah. That's all I got there.
Moving on to my health portion - I was tired. Really tired but I made myself get up and take my daughter for a walk down our little neighborhood path to the man-made lake. We brought old sourdough bread for the duckies (I really must clean out my fridge and pantry more often). It was a gorgeous day today and there were a lot of kids out. It's funny how a little old bread can bring both kid and ducks flocking.
For dinner I cooked baked tilapia with garlic butter sauce, rice pilaf and broccoli.

Annnnnddddd - CAKE!!!
Me and the sudd-muffin spoke. He grabbed me real quick for a kiss and a hug.....didn't know what to think of that so I just went with it. I think my plan may be working....so thank you lord for Day 2 of the rest of my life.