Friday, December 9, 2011

Nag Diaries - Fill in the Blank Friday

I found this meme on Moose Tracks and Tater Stacks.  I am NOT on day 31 but there is no better time to start!  I also linked up at Laurens page The Little Things We Do.  Hang in there mama! 

  1. Love is an action word.  It’s not enough to say “I love you” but showing is believing.
  2. Being in love feels like a vacuum sometimes. 
  3. My favorite quote about love is    "Love will draw an elephant through a keyhole. – Samuel Richardson
  4. The most important thing in a relationship is communication.  Without it, there is no marriage.  Just two people talking and no one listening.
  5. A "deal breaker" for me in a relationship is
  6. The way I show love in my relationships is forgiveness.
  7. I love my sudd-muffin.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nag Diaries 34.6 - You've Earned 3 Minutes of Uninterrupted Face Time

Short of throwing 2 of the 4 pillows on my bed at the back of my sudd-muffins head, I instead just blurted out, "You have earned 3 minutes of uninterrupted face time - with me."  Inside, my eyes were closed tight and I was saying, please do it, please do it baby.

Him: "Three minutes?  Three minutes??"
Me: Yes
Sudd-muffin:  Ok.

He did it.  He put down the controller.  I got my android phone and set my stopwatch app for 3 minutes.  Laid down on the bed we both did.  Face to face we lay and commenced to stare at each other intently.  For 3 minutes.

The laughter bubbled up and out of me at the ridiculousness of this spur of the moment exercise.  We stared.  He made comments about the gray spots I have on my eyes.  I made comments about his nose and his wonderfully cleft chin.  

We were studying each other so intently that I didn't here the stopwatch go off.

I snatched up my phone thinking that stupid app didn't work.  It did.  The minutes passed so quickly that they were over before we knew it.   We went in for another 3 minutes.

This time we were silent.  It was different.  I liked it.  He was actually looking at me.  He was seeing me.

You may think I am crazy and no way this married couple actually did this.  Ha - oh yes the heck we did.  I love my hubby.  I want our marriage to go the distance.  If that means coming up with dumb 3 minute exercises - then so be it.  

That 6 minutes was the longest time he has spent looking at my face since we stood at the alter.

Nag Diaries 78.9 - Return of the Ghost Blog Entry

I thought this was gone - but for some reason, it just popped right back up!

I don't like talking about my personal life, too much.  Especially my marriage.  But if there is something that I am going through that someone else may be experiencing, then it may be worth it.

At this stage in my marriage, I am experiencing some MOL tension.  We have moved to Mississippi.  I broke down and agreed.  The MOL is down here to help my sudd-muffins aunt.  That is another story though.  We moved into our apartment - a 3 bedroom and the MOL has laid claim to our extra bedroom.  
Don't get me wrong.  My MOL is WONDERFUL.  GREAT.  She has helped out so much - *cluck.  But sometimes, it's like, my sudd-muffin likes being around her more than me, his wife.  She can ask him to go to the store and he jumps right up, like sure, Mom, when do you want to leave?

Or, Son, can you iron this for me or what do you want for dinner?  

Now if I ask him to go to the store, it is more of a, "God, I don't feel like doing anything right now..."  If he is going to the store, I say, "Can I come with?" -  like a hopeful little, starved puppy - I just want to spend time with him - His response, "No, I just want to go and come back."  But let his mom say, oh, can I come with you?  SURE MOM, lets go!

All of my requests are met with deep manly sighs and exasperated shoulder heaving.  What did I do?  You married me.  We have had two miscarriages.  I have put up with your crap for 5 years.  I have stood by you and your crap for five years.  Sat and watched you waste hours in front of the Xbox and choked back complaints of laziness. 

Is my company that bad?  Am I really that uninteresting to just spend time around.  Or are men just really that selfish?
I see why marriages don't last - LAZINESS.  People don't want to work on the marriage but just have sex.  But even that takes work.  I mean, when I think about it, the sex is the highlight of the marriage - it's never bad.....ever.  Dang.  That's.....weird.  Hmmm....but I don't care about sex.  Well I don't care about it when I am not caring about it.  Get it?  
This is making me crazy.  I know I shouldn't compare what my husband does for his mother but any wife would expect her husband do even the little things.  Is that really too much to ask?  Do I really sign like a whiny, nagging wife right now?

Whatever then.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nag Diaries 76.9 - MOL/Have Time, Will Travel - NaBloPoMo

So, I guess my first attempt at this post was a little harsh and I got God-smacked.  How can you type for like 15 mins and blogger not auto-save???? 

It just popped right back up!
Original blog post gone.  So irritated right now.  Don't feel like writing.  So here we go.
Marriage.  MOL.  No Wife Attention.  More MOL attention.  Exasperated.  Pissed. Lonely.  MOL need to leave.  She's great but need to leave. Spend time with me. That Xbox get's more action than our bed.  Sucketh. You. Do.  Arggggg. 

WANTED: Girlfriends in the Gulfcoast area.  Age 27 and up. Gossip and trash talk included.  Must pray, you know for all the trash talking - we have to repent.  Must be married or have been married.  Single women wont help me.  They will just make me envy them.  Must love food, movies, travel.  I want to travel. Let's travel.  I may run away.
Note: MOL= Mother-in-Law
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